Prime Minister Trudeau Visits SEIU
On February 7, 2023, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $1.7B in funding for Canadian PSWs to make that $25 goal closer to reality.
On February 7, 2023, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $1.7B in funding for Canadian PSWs to make that $25 goal closer to reality.
Every February, we celebrate Black History Month to recognize the outstanding accomplishments and achievements of our Black Canadian communities.
Our message to provincial and territorial governments is simple: The time for excuses is over—it’s time to raise wages for personal support workers and provide better healthcare jobs.
Ford’s plan to expand private clinics in Ontario will cost patients dearly, risk lives and significantly worsen staffing shortages, healthcare unions say
We are looking for members who want to become strong community leaders to step up and build political support for issues that are important to healthcare workers.
Ford Government’s Decision To Appeal Court Ruling Over Bill 124 Will Further Damage Healthcare Delivery In Ontario And Cost Families In Need Of Services
Today, while over a hundred SEIU members at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre rallied against Doug Ford’s anti-worker laws, the Ontario Superior Court ruled Bill 124 unconstitutional!
SEIU Healthcare nurse delegates from across Ontario met at the 2022 Nursing Division Convention to elect the new Nursing Division Executive Board
Premier Ford ‘pushing public system to collapse’: five largest health care unions join forces, make SOS appeal to save our public hospitals
On Strike: Developmental Service Workers At Kerry’s Place To Commence Strike Tomorrow For Better Care Outcomes With Safety And Security For All
Healthcare jobs are no longer safe and preventable workplace injuries, both physical and emotional, are exacerbating the staffing shortage. Talk of recruitment rings hollow while retention efforts fail.
After abusing the notwithstanding clause to trample on education workers, this below-inflation hospital contract is another reminder of Premier Ford’s unconstitutional attack on working families and calls for Prime Minister Trudeau to defend the Canadian Charter.